Uncaring leaders, unreasonable performance expectations, and lack of career advancement and advancement potential are the top three reasons given for leaving a job.
(McKinsey 2022)
(McKinsey 2022)
- We focus on hourly workers and their needs, creating a more robust culture of success.
- We use cutting-edge data tools such as machine learning to build a tailor-made model to keep decision-makers aware of current trends.
- Based on their data, employers get at the root cause of hourly employee attrition and satisfaction.
- We provide AI-enabled, automated, customized career designs for hourly employees.
- We provide methods for supervisors to create career leadership.
- Employers get hourly employees to engage in their careers and become empowered and accountable for the training they need
- An app for non-college individuals to create and follow recommended career paths
A web based product for enterprises to build and support employee and potential employee career communities to enable cooperative job switching and career development.